3A Academy & Consulting Ltd. helps Albertans obtain additional job skills and applicable work experience by uniting job seekers and employers needs together. Through this program, clients become employees while the program pays prospective employers for providing applicable on-the-job training to the client.
The workplace training (on-the-job) program provides the benefits to job seekers and employers
It helps clients who may have the right skills, but need extra job experience.
It helps clients who need to learn basic job skills while in a work setting.
It links unemployed Albertans directly with employers.
It encourages employers to train and hire unemployed people.
The Workplace Training program is oriented to help Albertans acquire transferable occupational skills and directly applicable work experience under prospective employers. Participating Albertans become full-time employees for up to 26 weeks while their prospective employers are reimbursed for the job training and the work experience provided.
Must be unemployed, residing in Alberta, legally entitled to workin in Canada.
In receipt of active employment insureance (EI) benefits.
Had an EI benefit period within the previous 60 months, and are seeking to re-enter the workforce (I.E. individuals with reachback eligibility.
Alberta Works income support (IS) clients and other Albertans may also be eligible.
Be 18 years of age or older.
Be ready, willing, and able to benefit from workplace training.
Have been experiencing difficulty in obtaining work because they need more job specific training or retraining, and additional experience to achieve viable employment.
Have sufficient literacy an dnumerical skills to benefit from training (not less than Grade9 level).
Must be unemployed, residing in Alberta, legally entitled to workin in Canada.
To be eligible for the workplace training program, employers must demonstrate:
Ability and experience to deliver workplace training with attention to transferable occupational skills.
Potential to provide trainees with continued employment after the workplace training is completed.
Compliance with Alberta Labour standards, employment code, and other applicable regulations.
Financial stability and accountability.
We provide employment services and workplace training in partnership with Alberta Labour and Alberta Community and Social Services.

The Province of Alberta is working in partnership with the Government of Canada to provide employment support programs and services.
Les gouvernements de l’Alberta et du Canada travaillent en partenariat et financent conjointement des programmes et des services d’aide à l’emploi.
What We Do
3A Academy & Consulting Ltd. provides services for employers, job seekers, and individuals needing computer training. We provide employment placement services and workplace training in partnership with Alberta Labour and Alberta Community & Social Services.
All of our software courses are taught by qualified instructors with real-world experience.
Employers may access our Job Seekers Database in order to identify qualified candidates.
Upon successful completion of the program participants will graduate with their certificate.
Plan your course content and schedule according to our course schedule time table.